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Shipwrecks and Lost Treasures of the Seven Seas : WET & HOT NEWS !

08 October 2010

San Francisco Fleet Week kicks off

From gCaptain (link)

San Francisco’s 2010 Fleet Week kicked off today with the Blue Angels performing “Circle & Arrival” maneuvers over the entire Bay. Not many people were out, so it was a good chance to catch what seemed like a private show on a beautiful San Francisco day.

We caught this shot above near Crissy Field. They must have passed 50 times in the course of two hours, and I can still hear them circling above as we speak. What we were really waiting for was the USS Makin Island to transit underneath the Golden Gate, but couldn’t figure out if we were too late, or too early.

There were a a few USCG cutters out, along with a nice fire boat and various fast rescue boats.

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