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Shipwrecks and Lost Treasures of the Seven Seas : WET & HOT NEWS !

09 October 2010

Scientist warns more action needed on reef run-off

By Penny Timms (link)

A leading scientist with the ARC Centre for Excellence in Coral Reef Studies says more needs to be done to reduce sediment run-off affecting the Great Barrier Reef.

Professor Malcolm McCulloch will present his research at the Coral Reefs in a Changing Environment Symposium in Canberra today.

He says while Queensland should be commended for its work to reduce farm run-off, a broader approach is needed to protect the reef.

"The process has started and it's important for the reef's sake to do it, but it's still a long way to go to do it," he said.

"I wouldn't actually advocate it at the moment, even more stringent things, but let's make the measures we're now doing, make them work effectively - that's what I'd advise."

Professor McCulloch says he hopes the symposium will attract the attention of federal politicians.

"The regulations that are now being applied in Queensland are actually a joint Commonwealth-state action," he said.

"What we're trying to highlight to the politicians who come to Canberra, the importance of it."

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