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Shipwrecks and Lost Treasures of the Seven Seas : WET & HOT NEWS !

07 January 2011

Carnival wins $24M from Rolls in Queen Mary suit

ABC News -

A Miami jury has awarded $24 million to Carnival Corp. in its lawsuit against Rolls-Royce PLC involving claims of a faulty propulsion system aboard the luxury liner Queen Mary 2.

The jury verdict came Wednesday after a two-week federal trial. A Carnival spokesman said jurors awarded $16 million in damages for eight counts of fraud and $8 million for breach of repair warranties.

Carnival contended that the Mermaid propulsion system installed by Rolls on the Queen Mary 2 was defective, suffered breakdowns and had to be serviced more often than advertised.

The 1,132-foot Queen Mary 2 is operated by Carnival subsidiary Cunard.

A Rolls-Royce spokeswoman did not immediately respond to a telephone request from The Associated Press for comment.

Posted via batavia08's posterous

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