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Shipwrecks and Lost Treasures of the Seven Seas : WET & HOT NEWS !

07 January 2011

Former TV camera man hurt when scuba tank falls and explodes in garage


A former NC TV videographer and his wife, a newspaper photographer, were hurt Monday evening when a SCUBA tank fell in their garage and exploded, WRAL-TV reported.

The incident happened in Fayetteville and involved a former WRAL-TV video photographer and a current photographer for the Fayetteville Observer, WRAL reported.

Rick Allen suffered severe burns and is listed as critical in a burn center in Chapel Hill, WRAL reported. His wife, Cindy Burnham, was hurt by flying glass, WRAL reported.

The incident happened when Allen, who is a scuba diver, walked between cars in his garage near midnight and knocked over a compressed air tank, fire officials told WRAL.

 WRAL also reported that the home on Partridge Court in Fayetteville suffered "major structural damage."

Source Nautilus Productions

Posted via batavia08's posterous

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