Checking diver qualifications is vital, says the International Marine Contractors Association, which has issued ‘Verification of diver qualifications' an information note to members.
Divers should hold a diving qualification suitable for the work to be undertaken and should have their original certificate in their possession. Checking only takes a matter of minutes, but is a key step to ensuring safe diving operations.
According to Jane Bugler, IMCA's technical director, several members have enquired recently about how they should go about verifying the validity of diving certificates recognised under the IMCA International Code of Practice for Offshore Diving.
"We would urge all those employing offshore divers to see these certificates as a matter of course. Anyone in doubt should address the certificate issuing authority as indicated on our information note. Our message is ‘check, check, check' it's the vital component for safe diving operations." The recently-published IMCA information note includes full contact details in Australia, Canada, France, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa and the UK, with additional information on who to contact about a further range of certificates issued directly by the schools.Posted via batavia08's posterous
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