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Shipwrecks and Lost Treasures of the Seven Seas : WET & HOT NEWS !

02 December 2010

Watson 'hoped to make millions from death'

Nine News -

Abe Watson sat quietly in a window seat at the rear of Qantas flight 93's economy cabin as it sped down the runway, lifted off and the city of Melbourne faded away below.

Sitting next to the convicted killer was a senior Queensland officer.

The aisle seat was purposely left spare, but the four seats across were taken up by two other Queensland police officers in suits and two officers from Australia's Immigration Department.

"He particularly appeared to enjoy the ice cream," a passenger, who sat nearby, observed during one of the flight's food services.

"He seemed very polite. Said 'thank you' to the flight attendants when they offered him a drink or food, but the police didn't appear to speak to him at all."

The passenger, who asked not to be named, said she realised who Watson was when her husband pointed out a photo of the man labelled the "honeymoon killer" in the newspaper he was reading on the plane.

Without the paper, it probably would have clicked anyway when Watson went to the toilet - which was "quite a few times" during Thursday's 14 hour flight from Melbourne to Los Angeles.

"Each time he got up all of the police with him got up as well. It was quite an exercise," the passenger said.

"The police stood outside the toilet while Gabe went in, but he wasn't allowed to lock the door."

Waiting for Watson at Los Angeles international airport were US authorities, who, acting on warrants issued by the Alabama Attorney-General, took 33-year-old Watson into custody minutes after the plane landed.

Alabama has charged Watson with one count of capital murder in the course of kidnapping and one count of capital murder for pecuniary gain relating to the death of his wife of just 11 days, Tina.



Posted via batavia08's posterous

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