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Shipwrecks and Lost Treasures of the Seven Seas : WET & HOT NEWS !

14 March 2011

WW-II era warship discovered off Orrisa coast

India Times - 

A 300ft long warship, believed to be of World War II era, was today discovered in the Bay of Bengal near Chandrabhaga beach here by a scuba diver .

"The vessel seems like it belongs to the time of World War II," discoverer Sabir Bux said.

It was found 350ft away from the shore at 7.5 nautical mile, he said.

"The vessel is more than 20 ft high. A portion of it is lodged deep into the sand," Bux said.

According to the diver, some fishermen informed him about water bubbles arising in the particular area.

"I immediately rushed to the area and when dived deep into the sea I found an unending length of matter... It took me more than 45 minutes to complete the recce of it. I brought it to the notice of the local administration."

On the finding, Puri Zila Parishad President Shankar Parida said: "The pictures and the video of the vessel shown by Bux clearly indicates that it belongs to an old era. We wish to know how a warship landed here. We invite the administration to dig more into this."

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