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Shipwrecks and Lost Treasures of the Seven Seas : WET & HOT NEWS !

24 June 2011

Volunteer divers retrieve fishing equipment, household goods washed away by tsunami

The Mainichi Daily news -

Volunteer divers have been retrieving fishing equipment and household goods that were washed away into the sea here by the tsunami triggered by the March 11 earthquake in an attempt to clean up the area for fishing boats.

At a fishing port in Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture, and other locations, Hiroshi Sato, 37, a diving guide from the prefectural city of Hanamaki, and other divers from Japan and abroad are collecting tsunami-driven objects from the seabed in response to fishermen's requests and out of their own desire to clean up their beloved ocean.

Fishing boats in the Sanriku region have been having a hard time navigating due to slumped piers and rubble piled up at the bottom of the sea following the tsunami.

Full story...

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