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Shipwrecks and Lost Treasures of the Seven Seas : WET & HOT NEWS !

22 June 2012

Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum

Soo Evening News - 

A plan to allow the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum in Whitefish Point to expand is headed for President Obama’s desk after the House unanimously approved a bill correcting an error in federal rules regarding expansion and preservation efforts at the museum.

The original document was issued in 1998 and referenced the obsolete 1992 plan for the property. The bill passed through Congress updates to the current plan, issued in 2002.

“It’s finally done and we’re happy about that,” said Sean Ley, development officer and former president of the Great Lakes Shipwreck Society.

The society wants to move an existing building, a motor lifeboat house, which currently sits on private land, 1/2 mile south to the current museum grounds, and construct a replica of the assistant keeper’s quarters.

“The house was sold to a local fisherman in the 1950s and moved off the site,” Ley said. “Right now we’re raising funds as best we can to move it back to the site. It’s in really good condition considering the years.”

Full story...

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